School Bus Help Protect Kids From Germs

Can Silver Products Keep
Your Kids Safe at School?

From pre-K to high school and even into higher education years, children and young adults are exposed to a seemingly infinite number of germs. Keeping your kids healthy can be challenging—especially with Coronavirus in the mix.

Not only are they confined to stuffy classrooms for a better part of the day, but they also eat lunch together, play, and engage in extracurricular activities and sports, many of which land our loved ones in close contact with viruses.  

It’s not possible to avoid schoolhouse germs entirely. However, there are many steps you can take to help minimize the risk or severity of illness in your child and your entire family unit.  

Roll Call: Germs are Present

If it seems like your child is always sick, then you may not be entirely wrong. On average, it’s reported that preschoolers get about seven or eight colds each year. That’s a result, in part, caused by a growing immune system and exposure to new people. And, as parents know all too well, younger children are more likely to stick their hands or other objects in and around their mouth. This often creates a multi-lane highway for germs to enter their body. 

As children age, their immune systems grow, as does their ability to make smart hygiene practice. For example, school-aged children tend to have five or six colds a year, while teenagers get about four colds per year. 

Even when children and young adults are conscious of potential germs, it can be hard to stop the spread. It’s not always possible to avoid all contaminated surfaces or the unintentional cough or sneeze from an infected classmate or teacher. The good news? There are plenty of things you can do to help your child, regardless of their age, stay healthy. 

Staying Healthy in the Classroom

One of the best ways to keep your child healthy is to teach them and discuss the importance of basic hygiene activities. This includes demonstrating and explaining the value of things like coughing into their elbow, washing their hands, and avoiding putting their fingers or other objects in their mouth—an essential practice for the youngest students. 

You can also do other things to improve your child’s immunity and decrease the number of germs they encounter every day. Ensuring they get enough exercise and sleep can help boost the immune system, as can a healthy diet. But there’s one more thing you may want to consider adding to their book bag: silver.  

Germ Control 101: Silver in the Classroom

Silver isn’t just another element on the periodic table. It’s a valuable precious metal that is full of benefits, including antimicrobial properties. Unlike hand sanitizers or some household cleaners that boast antibacterial properties, products made from pure ionically plated silver and colloidal silver offer antibacterial, antifungal, and antiviral protection. 

With that in mind, adding silver products to your child’s daily routine can help reduce the number of germs they come in contact with, which may very well mean a much healthier school year. Here are a few of our favorites: 

  • Silver Masks: Though masks may not be required in the years to come, many school-aged children have found masks to be a common requirement to enter today’s classroom under social distancing guidelines and parameters. Mask mandates inside and outside the classroom have led to a multitude of masks, but they aren’t created equally. While cotton masks are often recommended, they don’t offer the same antimicrobial properties as a silver-lined mask. Since silver kid’s masks fight both germs and bacteria and are self-cleaning in a sense (bacteria, fungi, and viruses cannot grow on pure silver), they are much easier to care for. They are also breathable, so kids will tend to wear them for longer periods—an essential aspect.
  • Silver Cloths: Hand sanitizer may be a popular tool in the war on germs, but the chemicals often used can be toxic, including alcohol, which is abrasive to one’s skin. It’s harsh and can irritate even the most seasoned hands, let alone the delicate hands of children. Hand sanitizer, if ingested, is also dangerous. That’s a problem for young children who may be attracted to the fruity scents often used by sanitizer manufacturers. So much that published call centers outreached began to skyrocket when the pandemic started. Some kids even ingested the liquid or gels because of the pleasing aroma.
    Pure 99.99% Silver cloths like , on the other hand, have antibacterial properties but without the messy, alcohol, or harsh chemicals. Children can use the cloth to wipe their hands, their desk, or any other item that may be carrying unwanted germs and bacteria—all without the risk associated with hand sanitizers. They are useable whether wet, dry, or damp, and very discrete to tuck away or stash in a backpack.
  • Silver Sprays:Another alternative to chemical alcohol-laced antibacterial sprays or hand sanitizers are silver sprays. TRU47’s offers some ofthe best colloidal silver spray available, which offer kids a natural, safe, and chemical-free solution to germs and bacteria. Easy to carry in a backpack, purse, or store in a desk or dorm room, this spray can help kill germs wherever your precious cargo goes—whether it’s to the library, gym, classroom, or a friend's house.
  • Silver Inhalers:Children, especially young adults and college kids who are always on the go may benefit from the unique, custom blend of colloidal silver inhalers that also offer the benefits of pure organic essential oils. Available to mitigate against a variety of conditions or simply boost one’s wellbeing, these inhalers are easy to carry. They are reported to boost immunity, improve concentration, reduce stress, and even improve sleep—all things that can help them remain healthier and happier throughout the year.

    Your child may not always be able to avoid classroom germs, but there are plenty of ways to cut down on exposure.  In addition to practicing conventional cold and flu precautions, adding silver to the mix can create an effective, safe, and chemical-free solution for cold and flu season woes.

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