Germs are Even in the Nicest Places

An ancient and natural element, silver is scientifically proven as a safe, non-toxic antimicrobial alternative to alcohol-based skin sanitizers, wipes, sprays and gels. Germs are everywhere and you won't believe where they reside!
Check out the number of germs found on household and everyday items.
- Airline Armrests - 60,000 germs/sq. in.
- Airplane Trays - 21,000 germs/sq. in.
- Airport Luggage Carts - 120,000 germs/sq. in.
- ATM Buttons - 3,500 germs/sq. in.
- Baby Changing Station - 90,000 germs/sq. in.
- Baby Strollers - 50,000 germs/sq. in.
- Ball Pit - 60,000 germs/sq. in.
- Camping Tableware - 45,000 germs/sq. in.
- Car Seats - 40,000 germs/sq. in.
- Carry-On Luggage - 15,000 germs/sq. in.
- Casino Chips - 5,600 germs/sq. in.
- Cell phones - 25,000 germs/sq. in.
- Checkout Touch Screens - 3,500 germs/sq. in.
- Condiment Bottles - 3,500 germs/sq. in.
- Cruise Ship Railings - 90,000 germs/sq. in.
- Desktops - 21,000 germs/sq. in.
- Dollar Bills - 3,000 germs/sq. in.
- Drinking Fountains - 229,000 germs/sq. in.
- Escalator Handles - 120,000 germs/sq. in.
- Fridge Door Handles - 138,000 germs/sq. in.
- Gaming Remotes - 18,000 germs/sq. in.
- Gas Pumps - 140,000 germs/sq. in.
- Gym Handles - 18,000 germs/sq. in.
- Hands - 30,000 germs/sq. in.
- Keyboards/Mouse - 79,000 germs/sq. in.
- Kitchen Sponges - 2,700,000 germs/sq. in.
- Make-Up Bag - 12,010 germs/sq. in.
- Playground Slide - 50,000 germs/sq. in.
- Port-a-Potty - 400,000 germs/sq. in.
- Public Sinks - 229,000 germs/sq. in.
- Public Swings - 79,000 germs/sq. in.
- Public Toilets - 120,500 germs/sq. in.
- Remote Controls - 17,000 germs/sq. in.
- Sandbox - 3,500 germs/sq. in.
- School Desktops - 21,000 germs/sq. in.
- Security Check Bins - 220,000 germs/sq. in.
- Shopping Cart Handles - 138,000 germs/sq. in.
- Travel Cups - 2,000 germs/sq. in.
- Yoga Mats - 25,000 germs/sq. in.
We have the solutions. Stellarcleenz™ our 99.99% pure silver cloths and our Silver Spray made with colloidal silver have been laboratory tested under scientific protocols for effectiveness. They will not dry out your skin like all chemically - based products and will not build up resistance to bacteria which are smart and adapt. Both of our unique products are also economical and environmentally friendly.