What are grounding socks?
Grounding socks are socks made with highly-conductive yarns that enable one to get ground when the foot in the socks comes in contact directly with a conductive surface or a shoe that is conductive and “grounding”. In some cases, socks have a band of silver thread across the ball of the foot. This may help someone get grounded when on the earth or a conductive product, however, unless the silver or conductive threads run continuously throughout the sock, it will not be thermal conductive and have the maximum benefits of being anti-microbial.
Are “grounding” socks and “earthing” socks the same thing?
Yes, the terms grounding and earthing mean exactly the same thing. The phrase earthing was created as a marketing label to also differentiate the actual process. Being grounded, however, is the real thing. Getting the electrons from the earth into your body.
Do grounding socks really work?
Grounding socks absolutely work and ground a wearer when they are walking, touching, or standing on a grounded conductive surface. Nothing beats bare sin to the ground, however, many people don’t like going barefoot, so grounding socks are an excellent alternative.
What are the benefits of grounding socks?
Grounding socks enable wearers to get grounded when they choose to wear something on their feet versus going barefoot. They also are a great product to use in conjunction with other grounding products to further enhance the grounding impact.
Who can benefit from grounding socks?
Any person who chooses to get grounded can wear grounding socks. At TRU47 they are offered in both Merino wool and combed cotton in various styles to meet different lifestyles. We offer grounding socks in both adult and children’s sizes.
What materials are grounding socks made from?
TRU47’s grounding socks are made of the highest quality Merino wool and also combed cotton blended with nylon and elasticized fibers to ensure comfort and stretch. The materials as well as the manufacturing are done in the USA by an American knitting mill. All socks contain pure 99% silver electroless, three-dimensionally plated yarn throughout the toes, heels, and entire soles which ensures the highest level of conductivity, performance, comfort, and wearability.
Do grounding socks need to be connected to a grounding cord to work?
Grounding socks need to be connected to a grounding chord when used indoors unless they are already in touch on a grounded conductive surface like a grounding bed band. When outside, they do not need any cord, just direct contact with the earth. TRU47 does not recommend having wires attached to socks indoors; it can cause accidents and tripping. Our socks are made with such a high degree of conductive silver that merely touching another conductive bed band or mat will make them ground.
Where can I use grounding or earthing socks?
TRU47 created the first-ever grounding sock made with pure electroless plated silver for outdoor use and indoor connectivity to a grounded bed garment or band. Others have yet to achieve the same excellence in design and fabrication.
How do I choose the best grounding socks for me?
To choose the best grounding socks we always recommend you research what is available. As with all other grounding products, we caution you against purchasing knockoff brands and socks with low levels of conductive threads. We are also not proponents of any socks that require a wire. Again, we are biased – with good reason – as we created grounding socks to be useful, extremely comfortable, effective, and grounding.