What are grounding products?
Grounding products are any products that are what is called “conductive” usually made with pure silver or in other variations with carbon, rubber, and even stainless steel.
Silver, however, is the most conductive and pure metal to make products highly groundable. For conductive products to be groundable they need to come in direct contact with a conductive surface. These include grass, sand, soil, gravel, unsealed tile, brick, and concrete (not asphalt however which has a sealant over concrete). Bare skin touching a grounding surface – which is one that connects directly to the earth is also a way to get grounded.
Other ways to get grounded indoors include taking a shower with water coming through metal pipes and letting the water slowly drip through, holding a metal faucet, and again letting the water drip through. This also applies to pedicure and nail salons with contemporary plumbing. Textiles made with pure silver make for wonderful grounding products when they are connected through a grounding port indoors or directly on a grounding surface outside. You can connect to a grounding port with one of our alligator grounding cords.
What’s the difference between “grounding” and “earthing”?
The terms grounding and earthing are interchangeable and mean the exact same thing. Earthing was coined for marketing reasons as a special modality. It is however, the same as grounding.
How do earthing products work?
Earthing and grounding products work when there is a transfer of electrons from the earth or conductive surfaces into the human body. This can most easily be done by walking, lying barefoot on grass, sand, or soil, or walking barefoot on stones, unsealed tile, the beach or bricks when outside. One can get grounded indoors through a number of products that are hooked up to a grounding port. These range from apparel to bedding, to footwear. Some are also EMF shielding if they are made of silver, like TRU47’s.
What are the benefits of grounding products?
Some of the benefits of using grounding products are reported to be things like reduced inflammation, increased circulation, normalization of blood pressure, reduction of oxidative stress and human anxiety, and a return to a more normal state of homeostasis.
How long should you ground each day?
Regarding the ideal timeframe for getting grounded, one cannot “over ground” so to speak. So if you could be grounded all day long, that’s terrific. The recommended dose for those who cannot get grounded every day outdoors in nature is about 30 minutes to one hour. While you sleep is a perfect time to get grounded, and we have a full line of sleep products for grounding to suit all of your needs.
What is the best grounding product available?
There are no single products in and of themselves, that stand out as being better than another. That said, there are definitely quality differences from manufacturers that separate performance and results.
We recommend that you research the source, ask about the country of origin, find out the makeup of the grounding materials, and find out about the company and its founders. There are a great deal of knockoffs on the market today and many of these unethical companies are spending a lot of money advertising and also offering goods at ridiculously low prices. The old adage, “You get what you pay for”, rings true.
How do I choose the best grounding products for me?
The way you choose the best grounding products for you is pretty simple. First, review the options for the type of products that will best suit your lifestyle, geography and premises. Then do your research and find a long-term trusted manufacturer such as TRU47.
To make sure you’re getting quality products, check the country of origin, and the products’ composition – especially if it is claimed to be made of silver. The percentage and type of silver is crucial. Nano-technology coated silver is inferior to electroless or ionically plated silver. Also, check out references, reviews, and how long the company has been in business.
Who can benefit from grounding and earthing products?
Everyone, whether in perfect health, young or old or in a declining state of well-being can benefit from being grounded, including infants and toddlers. Research also suggests that those under treatment for cancer/other ailments with chemo or radiation and those with heart conditions can benefit greatly. Grounding helps support a healthy immune system which is at the core of good health.
What material is best for grounding?
Bare skin is the best “material” so to speak, for grounding. If one cannot touch bare skin to an earth’s surface the next best material is silver woven textiles which have a high degree of silver; 5% is all that is needed to be regarded as having antimicrobial benefits but 15% is closer to the percentage for conductivity and grounding, with 17% for EMF shielding and radio wave blocking. Pure leather and carbon are also conductive materials that can ground a person when in direct contact with the earth’s surface (grass, sand, soil, unsealed tile, concrete).
Do I have to connect my grounding products to a grounded outlet?
Yes, when indoors, you need to connect grounding products to a grounded outlet, through the grounding port. This is the third and circular hole that’s sits under the two electrical openings. A grounding port is not electrical. You can do this by using one of our alligator grounding cords. We also offer ground wall testers to make sure your port is properly grounded. Most contemporary buildings are grounded to meet standards of compliance with current building codes, however, if you live in a much older home, it may not.
Where can I use grounding or earthing products?
In terms of the best grounding products on the market, we admit to being biased and believe TRU47 makes the best, most efficacious, tested, and robust grounding products available. All are made in the USA by remarkably respected and experienced manufacturers; in our case one that is a long-time standing family enterprise.
What makes Tru47’s grounding products better than the competition’s?
TRU47 has been in the business of researching, crafting and creating original grounding products, starting with making the first-ever structured shoe close to 15 years ago. The company founder, Sharon Whiteley has written two medically-referenced books with notable pioneers on the topic, both published by leading publishers and another book on the Gift of Silver.
The company’s materials are made in the USA or Europe by an enterprise that makes textiles for the government, NAS and the defense department to the most rigorous of standards to meet EMF blocking test.
What also differentiates TRU47 is that their designs contain garments specifically appealing to a feminine aesthetic. Most other companies make EMF shielding and grounding products that are more generic and consist of baseball caps, faraday bags, and pouches.
TRU47’s grounding socks are distinguishable from others and have pure silver throughout the entire sole area which makes them highly-conductive and not merely odor-reducing. The company recently added children’s products to their exclusive mix of goods.