Kids in Halloween Costumes: The History of Masks

Halloween History and
Masks in Modern Times

It’s that time of the year when little boogeymen and ghouls head outside to scare up some treats. It’s also probably the only time the kids look forward to wearing masks!

Halloween is a fun holiday for all of us. We get to dress up in the costumes of our dreams – or nightmares! –, bob for apples, carve pumpkins, trick-or-treat at “haunted” houses and eat all the candy that we can carry.

Its origins date back millennia and cross continents and cultures, assuming a variety of names like All Hallows Day, All Hallows Eve, All Saints Eve and, of course, Halloween. It historically begins the observance of Allhallowtide, the time of the liturgical year dedicated to remembering the dead, including saints (hallows), martyrs and the faithful departed.

The tradition of wearing costumes and “false faces” is believed to be rooted in folklore and beliefs from Celtic countries more than 2,000 years ago. Guising, as it was called, was prevalent in Scotland and Ireland by the end of the 19th century, catching on in the US and Canada by the early 20th century. On Halloweens past, when it was believed that ghosts came back to the earthly world, people thought that they would encounter them if they left their homes. To avoid being recognized by them, people would wear masks when they left their homes after dark so that the ghosts would mistake them for fellow spirits.

As a result, Halloween costumes from the first half of the 20th century were terrifying and deeply linked to apparitions and superstitions. Hiding behind their costumes, villagers often played pranks on one another, but blamed the specters. Masks and cover-ups came to be seen as means to get away with things.

More recently, costumes have tended toward the cute, the humorous and the super powered, acting as an alter ego of sorts for people who wish to make their own personal statements. Masks have changed too, with more of us opting out of them to show off our made-up faces and see better, a key safety element when out and about in the dark!

Now that masks are back and mandated, not just on Halloween, we at TRU47 are making them for safety so our customers and their kids can get away from scary things like germs, bacteria, viruses and more! Silver is a known antimicrobial, powerfully effective at inhibiting germs and protecting people from illnesses and disease.

Add the fact that our masks are made from pure silver – the only thing that can stop a werewolf in its tracks – and they’re the best masks for kids and adults alike to wear this Halloween. The myth and lore of silver being used against creatures of the night extends beyond werewolves. Because of the lunar association that silver has in European folklore, it’s also believed to be protective against monsters, vampires, and shapeshifters.

Keep your trick or treaters safe from creatures of the day and night with a TRU47 bandana or mask, available to fit tots to teens and in-betweens – parents too. Made from silver mesh, our kids masks are made of 99.99% pure ionically plated silver mesh, with a 2-ply design that is highly breathable and comfortable to wear all day long no matter the activity.

Just in time for Halloween, check out our silver mesh pleated mask with large red lips, and kiss germs and viruses goodbye!

Have a Safe and Happy Halloween!

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