There are countless ways to participate in #GivingTuesday, from giving your support to a favorite cause to voicing your care for others, volunteering your time in the community, making an in-kind donation or financially helping people in need. However, you choose to give, being generous – and TRU – with your actions is the best gift of all.
As our way of participating in Giving Tuesday, TRU47 will donate a pair of silver gloves for every purchase to a shelter in need through the month of December.
Here are some ideas you might consider if you want to join us in extending GivingTuesday throughout this holiday season:
Show that you care about other’s well-being.
An effective way to stop the spread of germs is by using TRU47 silver products, naturally anti-microbial and efficacious against harmful pathogens that threaten our health. Wear one of our masks made of silver, copper and jersey modal woven with pure silver thread that has been ionically plated for the utmost performance and durability in helping to prevent contagion. Each is proven to be a powerful antimicrobial, and when made with copper, a known anti-viral deterrent, they provide extra protection and filtration in highly populated and polluted environments. Our Silver Spritzes and Stellarcleenz cloth wipes help clean and wipe away germs that may be lingering on shopping cart and door handles shared by others to keep yourself and others safe.
Give your voice to a cause that matters to you.
At TRU47, we are taking a stand against disease-causing bacteria and viruses, enemy number one all over the world. Part of our mission is to educate, inform and engage people in spreading the word about the power of silver to naturally protect their health and those around them. What’s more, products made from silver are sustainable, eco-friendly, and self-sanitizing too, adding a host of healthful benefits that are not only priceless in every way, they work in everyone’s best interests.
Show gratitude to healthcare workers, service providers, and essential workers
Show you care to those who are making sure we still have the services we rely on, even at risk to their own health. Reach out, give a gift or just say you care about their health, and are grateful for their service.
Give a gift of self-protection and care to a neighbor in need.
Choose from our collections, attainable in an array of scarves, masks, spritzes, inhalers, sanitizing wipes, gloves and more, or purchase a gift basket chock full of silver products designed to protect their health.shar