Bottle of Hand Sanitizer on Desk

Top 5 Problems With Hand Sanitizer
& Why Silver is it!

Preventing the spread of germs and bacteria has never been so important. Concerned consumers have flocked to stores to stock up on cleaning supplies. 

And topping the list of “must-haves”? Hand sanitizer. 

In March of 2020, the alcohol-based solution experienced a  470% increase in sales. 

There’s no doubt that hand sanitizer can be an effective ally in the fight against viruses, including COVID 19, but is it the best solution?  

When comparing hand sanitizer to silver, the answer is, “not always.”  

The Problem with Hand Sanitizer

Hand sanitizer has become a staple in our lives, a status earned by accessibility, effectiveness, and overall convenience. Despite the pros, however, it has also remained a source of concern for researchers, medical professionals, and consumers alike.  

Here are some of the primary pitfalls of hand sanitizer.  

1. Irritates and Damages Skin 

Primarily made with isopropyl or ethyl alcohol, hand sanitizers can irritate and dry out your skin. This can lead to cracked, irritated, itchy, red, and/or painful skin conditions. That’s particularly true for users with sensitive skin. Over time, it is reported that some people may even find that sanitizer can lead to eczema. 

2. Leads to Rapid Skin Aging 

In addition to painful skin conditions, the drying and irritation associated with hand sanitizer can also lead to skin damage. And, as the skin damage continues, it can leave skin vulnerable to rapid aging, including the presence of wrinkles and other blemishes.  

3. May Contain Triclosan 

Alcohol isn’t the only ingredient used to kill germs and bacteria. Some antibacterial solutions also contain a chemical compound known as Triclosan. 

Triclosan can be found in several personal care products, including toothpaste, mouthwash, and some soaps, but that doesn’t mean it’s safe. 

Recent research suggests that Triclosan, once absorbed, can affect hormone production, specifically leading to a decrease in thyroid hormones. Further, research also suggests that Triclosan can also lead to antibiotic resistance, which leads to dangerous superbugs.

4. Effectiveness Varies

It’s tempting to assume that all hand sanitizers are created equal, but doing so can leave you and your loved ones vulnerable to viruses and other germs. To be effective, a hand sanitizer must have 60% or more alcohol concentration. 

Anything below that number will prove ineffective. That makes it important to be extra cautious when tossing a bottle of sanitizer in your shopping cart.  

5. Potentially Hazardous for Children 

Hand sanitizers are offered in an array of “tasty” colors and scents, the likes of which can make it attractive to young children. According to a report by the CDC, this has led to over 70,000 calls to the National Poison Data System (NPDS) over just three years. 

And young children who ingest sanitizer can go on to experience a host of health problems, including abdominal pain, vomiting, and ocular irritation, as well as more serious side effects like coma, respiratory depression, and seizures.   

Silver: The Perfect Hand Sanitizer Alternative 

Reconsidering the use of hand sanitizer in your own life? You’re not alone. Fortunately, there is a much safer, effective solution that can leave you with germ-free hands without all the unwanted side effects.  

Silver has been used by the medical community for years, and with good reason. In some forms, silver can be used to improve immunity, speed up healing, decrease inflammation, and yes, even help eliminate bacteria and viruses.  

That’s because silver is considered to have antiviral, antifungal, anti-parasitic, and antibacterial properties. 

The benefits of silver, when compared to the harmful side effects of hand sanitizer, can make silver a much friendly and more effective hand sanitizing method.  

Thinking of ditching hand sanitizer?   

Here are a few of the specific benefits of using silver instead.  

  • Proven Effectiveness: Silver has been used for centuries and has been proven to kill 99% of viruses, bacteria, and even fungus. Not only is it great for hand sanitation, but it can also be an effective and safe tool in and around the house, office, and gym. You can even use silver products, like the Stellarcleenz cloth, to get rid of germs on high touchpoints, like your cell phone, laptop, and door handles.  
  • Chemical-Free: Unlike alcohol or chemical-based hand sanitizers, which are made with harmful or abrasive ingredients, TRU47’s silver solutions are non-toxic and alcohol-free. They won’t dry your hands out, and other great ingredients, like 100% Pure Essential Oils and aloe vera juice lead to added benefits for your mind and body.  
  • Safe for Kids: As a natural and safe alternative to chemical-filled hand sanitizers, silver products, like our Silver Spritz, can be safely used on and around even the youngest members in your family.   
  • Versatile and Convenient: Hand sanitizer is great for your hands, but that’s about it. Silver products, on the other hand, can kill germs and help you fight against fungus and mold as well.  

Here are two great silver products that you can use to keep your hands and home germ-free.  

  • Silver Spritz: Made with colloidal silver, Himalayan sea salts, and trace minerals, this powerful spritz leverages the scientifically proven properties of silver without any of the toxic chemicals or harsh alcohols used in sanitizers. Our Silver Spritz, which is enhanced with 100% wildcrafted Pure Essentials, can be safely used on the hands, but it can also be used to kill germs on bedding, office and gym equipment, and other surfaces that harbor germs, like countertops. And in fact, it is so safe (and mildly fragrant, too), anywhere on and all over your body.
  • Stellarcleenz Cloth: The TRU47 Stellarcleenz makes fighting germs convenient and economical. A single wipe, for example, has been tested in use over 10,000 times of robust rubbing, without washing. That also makes it perfect for anyone looking for a more economic and environmentally friendly solution. And, though it’s great for hands, it can easily be used to kill germs on other surfaces, like shopping cart handles, counters, and restaurant tables and cutlery, and more. 

Hand sanitizer can be effective, but that doesn’t mean it’s the best option for you or your loved ones. While it may kill germs, it can also have harmful side effects, even when used properly.  

Instead of reaching for a bottle of the popular yet toxic and chemically-based gel, opt for silver.  It’s the healthier, more versatile germ-fighting solution.