Grounding, also known as earthing, is your amazing birthright. Its numerous benefits are consistently becoming more mainstream, once thought to be enjoyed primarily by the crunchy granola set (as they affectionately were called) and athletes “in the know”. Why, because grounding enhances people’s lives and fosters their wellbeing -- naturally. On top of that, it is fundamentally free. So, what exactly are its remarkable properties?
Very simply, we are all magnificent electromagnetic human beings. Grounding is a practice where we connect directly with the Earth's natural electric charge and enable the flow of the nourishing electrons stored in the ground below into our bodies. The most direct way is by walking barefoot on grass, sand, soil, unsealed tiles, brick and stone… and yes, even concrete.
There are now, however, numerous grounding devices available that replicate the beneficial results while indoors. These include sleep mats, pillowcases, loungers, throws which will ground you during slumber hours (estimated about a third of our time). The benefits are manifold and those greatly appreciated by athletes include:
- Enhanced Recovery: Athletes, whether they’re professionals or would-be weekend-warriors, they often face physical strain and muscle fatigue after activities. Grounding helps accelerate recovery by improving blood flow and reducing muscle soreness.
- Reduced Inflammation: Numerous studies scientifically report that grounding helps reduce inflammation in the body; this can add to recovery after participating in physical activity, be it intense or more moderate. In addition, it can reduce residual pain.
- Improved Sleep: Many human beings, athletes in particular, prioritize sleep not only for performance and as an aid in recovery, but also for excellent overall health. Recent studies prove that sleep helps normalize cortisol levels and encourages a more balanced circadian rhythm. Good sleep is also tied to heart health and increasingly to longevity.
- Stress Reduction: Grounding helps lower stress and anxiety levels, promoting a more relaxed state which can be beneficial for athletes before competitions, during training or after an event is over.
- Improved Performance: Many athletes report that grounding enhances focus and energy levels while also providing psychological benefits that contribute to better overall performance. Some evidence of this was observed in a group of Tour de France cyclists during a documented competition.
- Normalization of blood pressure: whether in play, prepping ahead of time, sitting on the sidelines or bench for a break, helping return blood pressure to a more normalized state is always beneficial.
- Jet Lag Reduction: Many athletes, spectators, and fans alike traveling to competitive events and tournaments swear by grounding as a way to mitigate the often-debilitating effect of jet lag. They get grounded as soon as they touch the ground -- off a plane, out of a chartered bus or after sitting for long hours in a car. Dave Asprey, of Biohack fame, shares his unequivocal belief in grounding to restore him to a more normal state of homeostasis, post flying. Not always a believer he has become a mega advocate. His specific story is in his testimonial in Barefoot Wisdom, Better Health through Grounding and also in his Forward in Get Grounded, Get Well, both books co-authored by TRU47’s founder.
Many athletes also incorporate getting grounded into their recovery routines based on anecdotal evidence and their own personal experiences. Notable athletes include various professionals who advocate for holistic health practices. Not long ago, a Boston Red Sox pitcher was captured in a photo on the mound pitching barefoot. Why, when asked? Because grounding made him more balanced, calm, and yes, a better thrower.
Several known athletes continue to speak about their experiences with holistic practices, grounding included, and its potential benefits for recovery, wellness, and performance. These include NFL players, high-profile basketball stars, endurance athletes, ultra marathoners, and professional triathletes, Surfers, volleyball players, as well as fitness gurus. Popular athletes often mentioned as believers in grounding include LeBron James, Kobe Bryant, Michael Strahan, Aaron Rodgers, and Tom Brady.