Silver Education

The History of Essential Oils and Their Many Uses
Essential oils have been used throughout history for their diverse healing properties and health benefits. Learn more about how the pure essence of plants have been used as aroma and therapeutic aids...
Misty Silver Solutions to Dampen
Seasonal Allergy Symptoms
Dealing with those traditional seasonal sneezes? Learn how to dampen the harshness of fall allergy season with these tips from the TRU47 team.
Seasonal Fall Favorites:
Activities & Festivities
Fall is a favorite season, full of activities, festivities, shopping days, holidays and sporting events. Breathe easier and stay safe with TRU47 Silver products.
5 Benefits of Silver Inhalers
During Peak Cold/Flu Season
Looking to battle cold and flu season? Here’s another valuable resource that you can add to your cold and flu prevention kit: Silver.
5 Ways Silver Can Help You
Stay Healthy this Holiday
The holidays may look a little different this year, and that doesn’t mean we can’t enjoy the season. Here's how to stay safe this year.
What is the Best Natural Immune Booster for Fast Results?

Protect yourself against seasonal bugs and infections like the common cold and flu by adding the best natural immune boosters to your daily routine.